Creating Multiple Mobile Business Objects From a Single Read Operation

Create multiple mobile business objects (MBOs) from a single read operation, which allows selection of multiple output objects and tables from a single call to the enterprise information system (EIS) to which the MBO is bound.

The data source from which you are creating the MBO must contain either:
Multiple MBOs that are created from the same data source and share the same EIS operation are treated as a whole unit, which affects certain behavior:
  • Executing the EIS operation once updates all MBOs, improving performance compared to calling the operation for each MBO.
  • Subsequent MBOs cannot exist without a first MBO. Copying, pasting, or deleting a first MBO performs the same action on subsequent MBOs.
  • All subsequent MBOs are included in the search results of the first MBO.
  1. Launch the MBO Creation wizard. For example, drag and drop the data source onto the Mobile Application Diagram.
  2. On the Definition page, select and define the first MBO.
  3. (Optional) On the Parameters page, define the first MBO's default values.
  4. On the Attributes Mapping page, select the Web service XSLT or SAP table for the attributes used to specify the First MBO.
  5. The Create Multiple Mobile Business Objects page appears if:
    • You select multiple output tables on the Definition page for SAP, or
    • There are multiple XSLTs defined on the Definition page for Web services.
    The Definition window varies, depending on the data source type, and allows you to determine which SAP output table or Web service XSLT to designate as subsequent MBOs.
    Multiple mobile business object data source
    Data source Description
    SAP A BAPI/RFC operation that contains multiple output tables. All output tables, except the one defined as the first MBO, can be used to generate subsequent MBOs.

    In cases where you select an output parameter (either a primitive or structured output parameter), the <HEADER FIELDS> option is available in the Attribute Mapping page in both the creation wizard and the Attributes tab, available from the Properties view.

    When you select <HEADER FIELDS> as the Select an output table to map attributes option, Unwired WorkSpace generates a MBO that contains the result set from only the output parameters, not from any output tables. The <HEADER FIELDS> result set is a pseudo-table that behaves as a table result set:

    • It is the first MBO by default.
    • If you select another table's output as the first MBO result set, the <HEADER FIELDS> result set generates a subsequent MBO.
    Web service A method bundled with the multiple XSLTs. All XSLTs, except the one selected as the first MBO, can be used to generate subsequent MBOs.
  6. On the Create Multiple Mobile Business Objects page, select any of the subsequent MBOs, and optionally change the default names. By default, all MBOs listed on this page are selected.
    Complete definition of the MBOs and select Next to configure role mappings (Advanced profile only) or Finish to exit the wizard.
  7. (Optional) Map the first MBO and operations to logical roles. Subsequent MBOs inherit logical role assignments from the first.
  8. Select Finish to create the MBOs and exit. You can perform some configuration from the creation wizard, however Sybase recommends that you perform any additional configuration using the Properties view.
    Once created, multiple MBOs:
    • Are stacked on each other and identified in the Mobile Application Diagram by a dashed line between the first MBO and all subsequent MBOs. You can independently delete subsequent MBOs.
    • Have a "shared" relationship, identified by a different decorator (icon) in the WorkSpace Navigator, indicating the operation is shared. If the operation changes, all related MBOs automatically change.