Mobile Business Object to Mobile Device Platform Datatype Mappings

This table provides mapping information for various MBO datatypes to those of the mobile device target language.

The optional "?" suffix indicates the datatype supports nullability. In some cases, a nullable target language type might be used for a non-nullable MBO type. In either case, the nullability indicator should always be specified if the target type must support nulls.

Any referenced type name that does not appear in the table is expected to be one of the following:
  • The name of a class defined within the same package.
  • The fully qualified name of a class defined in a previously compiled package.
  • The name of an imported class.
  • The name of an external class.
MBO to Java RIM datatype mappings
MBO datatype Java RIM types
BOOLEAN boolean
BOOLEAN? java.lang.Boolean
STRING java.lang.String
STRING? java.lang.String
BINARY byte[]
BINARY? byte[]
CHAR char
CHAR? java.lang.Character
BYTE byte
BYTE? java.lang.Byte
SHORT short
SHORT? java.lang.Short
INT int
INT? java.lang.Integer
LONG long
LONG? java.lang.Long
INTEGER java.math.BigInteger (javamx.math.BigInteger)
INTEGER? java.math.BigInteger (javamx.math.BigInteger)
DECIMAL java.math.BigDecimal (javamx.math.BigDecimal)
DECIMAL? java.math.BigDecimal (javamx.math.BigDecimal)
FLOAT float
FLOAT? java.lang.Float
DOUBLE double
DOUBLE? java.lang.Double
DATE java.util.Date
DATE? java.util.Date
TIME java.util.Date
TIME? java.util.Date
DATETIME java.util.Date
DATETIME? java.util.Date
MBO to C# device datatype mappings
MBO datatype C# type
BOOLEAN? bool?
STRING string
STRING? string
BINARY byte[]
BINARY? byte[]
CHAR char
CHAR? char?
BYTE byte
BYTE? byte?
SHORT short
SHORT? short?
INT int
INT? int?
LONG long
LONG? long?
INTEGER decimal
INTEGER? decimal?
DECIMAL decimal
DECIMAL? decimal?
FLOAT float
FLOAT? float?
DOUBLE double
DOUBLE? double?
DATE System.DateTime
DATE? System.DateTime?
TIME System.DateTime
TIME? System.DateTime?
DATETIME System.DateTime
DATETIME? System.DateTime?
MBO to VB.NET datatype mappings
MBO datatype VB.NET type
BOOLEAN boolean
BOOLEAN? nullable(of boolean)
STRING string
STRING? string
BINARY byte()
BINARY? byte()
CHAR char
CHAR? nullable(of char)
BYTE byte
BYTE? nullable(of byte)
SHORT short
SHORT? nullable(of short)
INT integer
INT? nullable(of integer)
LONG long
LONG? nullable(of long)
INTEGER decimal
INTEGER? nullable(of decimal)
DECIMAL decimal
DECIMAL? nullable(of decimal)
FLOAT single
FLOAT? nullable(of single)
DOUBLE double
DOUBLE? nullable(of double)
DATE date
DATE? nullable(of date)
TIME date
TIME? nullable(of date)
DATETIME? nullable(of date)