Mobile Application Diagram Palette

Create mobile business objects and attributes, add operations to the object, define relationships between two objects, and so on, by selecting the appropriate palette icon and dropping it on the Mobile Application Diagram.

Palette icons and usage
Icon Description
Select Selects a mobile business object or relationship.
Zoom Zooms in or out on a selected element.
Note Creates a note or note attachment in the Mobile Application Diagram for an existing note.
Mobile Application Diagram Expand this folder to access the mobile business object related icons. The folder is expanded by default.
Mobile Business Object Creates a new mobile business object and launches the mobile business object Attributes Creation wizard.
Local Business Object Creates a new local business object and launches the local business object Attributes Creation wizard.
Relationship Creates a relationship between two mobile business objects.
Attribute Creates an attribute for an existing mobile business object.
Operation Adds an operation to a mobile business object, and allows you to bind the operation to a data source now or later.