Creating the Mobile Business Object using the Mobile Business Object Icon

Use the Mobile Business Object icon to create a mobile business object.


Before you create a mobile business object, open the Mobile Development perspective and create a Mobile Application project.

  1. From the Mobile Application Diagram, select the Mobile Business Object icon from the palette, then click an empty area of the diagram.
    The Attributes Creation wizard displays. By default, the mobile business object is named Objectx, where x is 1 if this is the first object in the diagram, 2 if the second, and so on.
  2. (Optional) Change the default name of the mobile business object.
  3. In the next page select Bind data source later.
  4. In the last page add attributes and click Finish.
Related reference
Mobile Business Object Properties
Mobile Business Object Attribute Properties
Mobile Business Object Operation Properties
Datatype Support
Old Value Argument