Narrowing a Search

Use search queries to narrow a search.

The help navigator enables you to narrow your search.

  1. Select Help > Help Contents from the main menu bar to open the help.
  2. Click Search Scope.
  3. Select Search only the following topics.
  4. Click New.
  5. Type a descriptive name for your search in the List name field.
  6. Select the topics you want to search in the Topics to search section.

    Selecting a top-level checkbox extends the scope of the search to all subtopics. Use the plus and minus signs to the left of topics to expand and collapse the associated subtopics.

  7. Click OK .

    The Select Search Scope dialog box appears with your selection highlighted.

  8. Click OK .
  9. Click Go .

    The search results display in the Search Results pane.

    Note: The narrowed search scope remains in effect for future searches until it is changed.