Allowed Syntax for Asterisk (*)

The asterisk is used for prefix searching in a query.

An asterisk can occur at the end of the query string, or be followed by a space, ampersand, vertical bar, closing bracket, or closing quotation mark. Any other usage of asterisk returns an error.

The table "Asterisk interpretations" shows allowable asterisk usage:

Asterisk interpretations
Query string Equivalent to Interpreted as
'th*&best' 'th* AND best' and 'th* best' Find any term beginning with th, and the term best.
'th*|best' 'th* OR best' Find either any term beginning with th, or the term best.
'very&(best|th*)' 'very AND (best OR th*)' Find the term very, and the term best or any term beginning with th.
'"fast auto*"'   Find the term fast, immediately followed by a term beginning with auto.
'"auto* price"'   Find a term beginning with auto, immediately followed by the term price.
Note: Interpretation of query strings containing asterisks varies depending on the text configuration object settings.