Size of a LONG VARCHAR Column

sp_iqindexsize output that shows a LONG VARCHAR column with approximately 42GB of data.

The page size is 128KB. The largelob Info type is in the last row.

Username    Indexname               Type Info     KBytes   Pages   Compressed
DBA    test10.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T128_C3_FP FP Total     42953952  623009  622923
DBA    test10.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T128_C3_FP FP vdo       0         0       0
DBA    test10.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T128_C3_FP FP bt        0         0       0
DBA    test10.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T128_C3_FP FP garray    0         0       0
DBA    test10.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T128_C3_FP FP bm        136       2       1
DBA    test10.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T128_C3_FP FP barray    2312      41      40
DBA    test10.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T128_C3_FP FP dpstore   170872    2551    2549
DBA    test10.DBA.ASIQ_IDX_T128_C3_FP FP largelob  42780632  620415  620333

In this example, the compression ratio is 42953952/(623009*128) = 53.9%.