LONG BINARY Data Type Conversion

There are limited implicit data type conversions to and from the LONG BINARY data type and non-LONG BINARY data types.

There are no implicit data type conversions from the LONG BINARY data type to another non-LONG BINARY data type, except to the BINARY and VARBINARY data types for INSERT and UPDATE. There are implicit conversions to LONG BINARY data type from TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER, UNSIGNED INTEGER, BIGINT, UNSIGNED BIGINT, CHAR, and VARCHAR data types. There are no implicit conversions from BIT, REAL, DOUBLE, or NUMERIC data types to LONG BINARY data type. Implicit conversion can be controlled using the CONVERSION_MODE database option.

The currently supported byte substring functions for the LONG BINARY data type are accepted as input for implicit conversion for the INSERT and UPDATE statements. See Function Support.

The LONG BINARY data type can be explicitly converted to BINARY or VARBINARY. No other explicit data type conversions (for example, using the CAST or CONVERT function) exist either to or from the LONG BINARY data type.

Truncation of LONG BINARY data during conversion of LONG BINARY to BINARY or VARBINARY is handled the same way the truncation of BINARY and VARBINARY data is handled. If the STRING_RTRUNCATION option is ON, any right-truncation (of any values, not just non-space characters) on INSERT or UPDATE of a binary column results in a truncation error and the transaction is rolled back.

Related concepts
Function Support