Creating a Text Configuration Using Sybase Central

Create a text configuration to specify how TEXT indexes dependent on the text configuration process handle terms within the data.

  1. Connect to the database as a user with DBA or RESOURCE authority.
  2. In the left pane, right-click the Text Configurations Objects folder and select New > Text Configuration Object.
  3. Type a name for the text configuration.
  4. Select the owner of the text configuration.
  5. Select the type of database collation for the text configuration. Click Next.

    Text configurations with NCHAR collation are not supported by Sybase IQ TEXT indexes.

  6. Select the Generic term-breaker algorithm.
  7. Enter the minimum and maximum term length.
  8. If using an external term breaker library, select Use an external term breaker and specify the external term breaker function and library.

    Specify the function and library in the form function-name@library-file-name.

  9. Click Next.
  10. If using an external prefilter library, select Use an external prefilter and specify the external prefilter function and library.

    Specify the function and library in the form function-name@library-file-name.

  11. Add any terms to ignore when building a TEXT index with this text configuration to the Stoplist. Separate terms with a space.

    Terms in this list are also ignored in a query.

  12. Click Next.
  13. Type a comment describing the text configuration, and click Finish.