Viewing or Modifying Spatial Reference System Properties

View or change the properties of a spatial reference system.

Database Version Spatial Reference System Privileges
SAP Sybase IQ 15.3 and 15.4

View spatial reference system properties – None required.

Modify spatial reference system properties or comments – Requires one of:
  • DBA authority.

  • You are a member of the SYS_SPATIAL_ADMIN_ROLE group.

SAP Sybase IQ 16.0

View spatial reference system properties – None required.

Modify spatial reference system properties – Requires one of:
  • MANAGE ANY SPATIAL OBJECT system privilege.
  • ALTER ANY OBJECT system privilege.
Modify spatial reference system comment – Requires one of:
  • COMMENT ANY OBJECT system privilege.
  • CREATE ANY OBJECT system privilege.
  • ALTER ANY OBJECT system privilege.
  • MANAGE ANY SPATIAL OBJECT system privilege.
  1. In the Perspective Resources view, select the resource and select Resource > Administration Console.
  2. In the left pane, select IQ Servers > Schema Objects > Spatial Support > Spatial Reference Systems.
  3. Select a spatial reference system from the right pane and either:
    • Click the arrow to the right of the name and select Properties, or
    • From the Administration Console menu bar, select Resource > Properties.
  4. View or modify the properties.
    • When modifying properties, clicking Apply before changing screens is not necessary, but will save any changes.
    • If you do not have privileges to modify properties, Sybase Control Center displays the properties view in read-only mode.
    Area Description
    General page

    Name — Name of the selected spatial reference system.

    Spatial reference system ID — Numeric identifier for your spatial reference system. When you create a spatial reference system based on an existing spatial reference system, set the SRID value to be 1000000000 plus the Well Known value.
    Note: SRSIDs 0, 2147483646, and 2147483647 are restricted.

    Organization — The name of the organization that defined the spatial reference system.

    Organization coordinate reference system ID — The integer identifier assigned by the organization that defined the spatial reference system.

    Comment — A text field for adding an optional comment about the spatial reference system.

    Settings page

    Spatial reference system type — Either Geographic or Non-geographic.

    Line interpretation — (Applies only to geographic spatial reference system type.)
    • Round earth — Round-earth spatial reference systems use an ellipsoid to represent the Earth. Points are mapped to the ellipsoid for computations, all lines follow the shortest path and arc toward the pole, and geometries can cross the date line.

    • Planar — Flat-earth, or planar, reference systems project all or a portion of the surface of the Earth to a flat, two dimensional plane (planar), and use a simple 2D Euclidean geometry. Lines between points are straight (except for circularstrings), and geometries cannot wrap over the edge (cross the dateline).

    Axis order — Order of axis in the spatial reference system; for example: Long./Lat./Z/M. Not editable.

    Polygon format — Specifies the orientation of polygon rings of the input data. Internally, SAP Sybase IQ interprets polygons by looking at the orientation of the constituent rings. As one travels a ring in the order of the defined points, the inside of the polygon is on the left side of the ring. The same rules are applied in planar and round earth spatial reference systems.
    • Counterclockwise — The input follows SAP Sybase IQ's internal interpretation: the inside of the polygon is on the left side while following ring orientation.

    • Clockwise — The input follows the opposite of SAP Sybase IQ's approach: the inside of the polygon is on the right side while following ring orientation.

    • EvenOdd — (Default) The orientation of rings is ignored and the inside of the polygon is instead determined by looking at the nesting of the rings, with the exterior ring being the largest ring and interior rings being smaller rings inside this ring. A ray is traced from a point within the rings and radiating outward crossing all rings. If the number the ring being crossed is an even number, it is an outer ring. If it is odd, it is an inner ring.

    Storage format — When you insert spatial data into the database from an external format (such as WKT or WKB), the database server normalizes the data to improve the performance and semantics of spatial operations. The normalized representation may differ from the original representation (for example, in the orientation of polygon rings or the precision stored in individual coordinates). While spatial equality is maintained after the normalization, some original input characteristics may not be reproducible, such as precision and ring orientation. In some cases you may want to store the original representation, either exclusively, or in addition to the normalized representation.
    • Internal — The database server stores only the normalized representation. Specify this value when the original input characteristics do not need to be reproduced. This is the default for planar spatial reference systems.

      Original — The database server stores only the original representation. The original input characteristics can be reproduced, but all operations on the stored values must repeat normalization steps, possibly slowing down operations on the data.

      Mixed — The database server stores the internal version and, if it is different from the original version, it stores the original version as well. By storing both versions, the original representation characteristics can be reproduced and operations on stored values do not need to repeat normalization steps. However, storage requirements may increase significantly because potentially two representations are being stored for each geometry.

    Semi-major axis — (Applies only to geographic spatial reference system type.) The Earth is not a perfect sphere because the rotation of the Earth causes a flattening so that the distance from the center of the Earth to the North or South pole is less than the distance from the center to the equator. For this reason, the Earth is modeled as an ellipsoid with different values for the semi-major axis (distance from center to equator) and semi-minor axis (distance from center to the pole). It is most common to define an ellipsoid using the semi-major axis and the inverse flattening, but it can instead be specified using the semi-minor axis (for example, this approach must be used when a perfect sphere is used to approximate the Earth).

    Inverse flattening — (Applies only to geographic spatial reference system type.) The inverse flattening (1/f) is a ratio:
    1/f = (semi-major-axis) / (semi-major-axis - semi-minor-axis)
    f measures symmetry axis compression relative to the equatorial radius of the ellipsoid.
    Coordinates page
    Latitude — (Applies only to geographic spatial reference system type.)
    • Bounded between north — North boundary.

    • and south — South boundary.

    • Unbounded — Area is not bounded.

    Longitude — (Applies only to geographic spatial reference system type.)
    • Bounded between west — West boundary.

    • and east — East boundary.

    • Unbounded — Area is not bounded.

    X — (Applies only to non-geographic spatial reference system type.) X-coordinate value of a geometry.
    • Bounded between minimum — Minimum value.

    • and maximum — Maximum value.

    • Unbounded — Area is not bounded.

    Y — (Applies only to non-geographic spatial reference system type.) Y-coordinate value of a geometry.
    • Bounded between minimum — Minimum value.

    • and maximum — Maximum value.

    • Unbounded — Area is not bounded.

    Z — Z-coordinate value of a geometry.
    • Bounded between minimum — Minimum value.

    • and maximum — Maximum value.

    • Unbounded — Area is not bounded.

    M — M-coordinate value of a geometry.
    • Bounded between minimum — Minimum value.

    • and maximum — Maximum value.

    • Unbounded — Area is not bounded.

    Snap to grid — (Planar line interpretation only.) The action of positioning the points in a geometry so they align with intersection points on a grid. When aligning a point with the grid, the X and Y values may be shifted by a small amount - similar to rounding. In the context of spatial data, a grid is a framework of lines that is laid down over a two-dimensional representation of a spatial reference system..

    Tolerance — Tolerance defines the distance within which two points or parts of geometries are considered equal. This can be thought of as all geometries being represented by points and lines drawn by a marker with a thick tip, where the thickness is equal to the tolerance. Any parts that touch when drawn by this thick marker are considered equal within tolerance. If two points are exactly equal to tolerance apart, they are considered not equal within tolerance.

    Linear unit of measure — Select a unit of measure.

    Angular unit of measure — Select a unit of measure.

    Transform definition

    Transform definition — The spatial reference system transform definition text. Not editable.

  5. Click OK.
Related tasks
Creating a Spatial Reference System
Deleting a Spatial Reference System
Generating Spatial Reference System DDL Commands
Creating a Spatial Unit of Measure
Deleting a Spatial Unit of Measure
Generating Spatial Unit of Measure DDL Commands
Viewing or Modifying Spatial Unit of Measure Properties
Authenticating a Login Account for a Managed Resource
Related reference
Spatial Support Privilege Summary