Creating a Database

Use the Create Databases wizard to create an SAP Sybase IQ database on the same host as the SCC agent.

Database Version Database Privileges
SAP Sybase IQ 15.3 and 15.4 Required DBA authority. The account under which the server is running must have write permissions on the directories where files are created.
SAP Sybase IQ 16.0 The account under which the server is running must have write permissions on the directories where files are created. No other system privilege is required.
Successful database creation results in a new, running, and registered SAP Sybase IQ server visible in the resource perspective.
  1. In the Perspective Resources view, select the resource and select Resource > Administration Console.
  2. In the left pane, select IQ Servers > Schema Objects > Databases.
  3. Click the arrow next to Databases and select New.
    The Create Databases wizard appears.
  4. On the Database Definitions page, click Add, and specify:
    Option Description
    Host The name of the host system where the new database is created.
    SCC agent port The port number that the Sybase Control Center agent on the given host is listening on. Default is 9999.
    SCC agent user User ID for the Sybase Control Center agent. Default is uafadmin.
    SCC agent password Password for the Sybase Control Center agent user. Default is no password.
    Utility server user User ID for the utility database. Default is DBA.
    Utility server password Password for the utility database. Default is sql.
    IQ Server Name Name of the IQ server to be created.
    IQ Server Port Port number for the new IQ server.
    IQ user User ID for the new IQ server.
    IQ password User password for the IQ user.
    Database path Path to the database file. For example, /<hostname>/sample/sample/mytestdb.db.
    IQ page size Page size of the database, in kilobytes. If you do not make a selection, the application chooses a page size. Default is 128.
    Catalog page size Database page size for the catalog store, in kilobytes. If you do not make a selection, the application automatically chooses a page size. Default is 4.
    IQ main dbspace path Path to the IQ main store dbspace physical file on disk. For example, /<hostname>/sample/sample/
    IQ main dbspace size (MB) (Disabled if Raw Device is selected.) The amount of space, in megabytes, for the IQ main store dbspace. Specify at least 100. Default is 1000
    IQ main dbspace reserve (MB) (Disabled if Raw Device is selected.) The amount of space, in megabytes, to reserve for future expansion in the IQ main store. Default is 300.
    Raw device (IQ main dbspace) Indicates a raw disk. Default is selected.
    Local temporary dbspace path Path to the temporary IQ store physical file on disk. For example: /<hostname>/sample/sample/mytestdb.iqtmp.
    Local temporary dbspace size (MB) (Disabled if Raw Device is selected.) Size, in megabytes, for the temporary IQ store. Default is 1000.
    Local temporary dbspace reserve (MB) The amount of space, in megabytes, to reserve for future expansion in the temporary IQ store. Default is 300.
    Raw device (Local temp dbspace) Indicates a raw disk. Default is selected.
    Transaction log File name of the IQ transaction log that records changes to the database. If you leave this field blank, the application automatically assigns a log name: <database_name>.log.
    Transaction mirror log File name of the copy of the default transaction log, stored on another device, for additional security. The default mirror log name is <database_name.mlg
    CHAR collation Click Select to open the Select CHAR Collation dialog box. (Select is disabled until all required fields are filled.) In the diaolog box, select the CHAR collation sequence used by the database to perform alphanumeric sorting. The default is ISO_BINENG. If you select UCA (Unicode Collation Algorithm), you are prompted to specify how the database should treat accents.
    NCHAR collation Click Select to open the Select NCHAR Collation dialog box. (Select is disabled until all required fields are filled.) In the diaolog box, select the NCHAR collation sequence used by the database to perform alphanumeric sorting on NCHAR data. The default is UCA. If you select UCA (Unicode Collation Algorithm) you are prompted to specify how the database should treat accents.
  5. (Optional) Click Settings and specify:
    Option Description
    Encryption Specify whether to create the database with no encryption, simple encryption or strong encryption. Default is Simple encryption.
    Algorithm (Available for Strong encryption only) Specify an encryption algorithm. Default is AES-128
    Encryption Key If you select strong encryption, enter and confirm an encryption key.
    Case Insensitivity Specify whether the database should have case insensitivity when comparing strings. Default is enabled.
    Create Views Specify whether the database should create SYSCOLUMN and SYSINDEXES views. Default is enabled.
    Ignore Trailing Blanks Specify whether the database should ignore blank spaces at the end of strings. Default is selected. Default is not disabled.
    Include Checksum Specify whether the database should include checksum with each database page. Default is disabled.
    SQL Anywhere Defaults Select to have the options default to SQL Anywhere settings.
    Emulate ASE Select to have the options default to Adaptive Server Enterprise settings.
  6. Click OK to close the Options view.
  7. Click OK to close the Add Database Definition view.
    The Create Database wizard remains displayed and the new database appears in the Data Definitions pane. If your database definition values are valid, a check mark appears in the Validation column. If any input for the database definition is invalid, an X appears. Hover the mouse over the X to see error information. To correct error, select the applicable database definition and click Edit
  8. (Optional) Export your existing database definitions to a CSV file for safekeeping or future import. On the Database Definitions page of the Create Database wizard, click Export, specify the field delimiter and click OK.
  9. Once the database definition is deemed valid (check mark appears), click the Next button.
  10. On the Execution page, click Execute to start the database creation process.
  11. Click Close to exit the Create Database wizard.
Related tasks
Creating a Database Using a CSV File
Setting Database Options
Viewing or Modifying Database Properties
Authenticating a Login Account for a Managed Resource
Related reference
Database Privilege Summary
My Database Definition is Invalid