Creating a DB File

Add a DB file to a dbspace.

Database Version DB File Privileges
SAP Sybase IQ 15.3 and 15.4 Requires one of:
  • DBA authority.
  • SPACE ADMIN authority.
SAP Sybase IQ 16.0 Requires MANAGE ANY DBSPACE system privilege.

Follow these steps to add files to all shared dbspaces: IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN, IQ_SHARED_TEMP, and all user-defined dbspaces.

Note: Adding DB files to IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN synchronizes all running secondary nodes.
  1. In the Perspective Resources view, select the resource and select Resource > Administration Console.
  2. In the left pane, select IQ Servers > Space Management > DB Files.
  3. Click the arrow next to DB Files and select New.
    The Create DB File wizard appears.
  4. On the DB Files page, select the resource and the dbspace to which you are adding the DB file.
  5. Click Add.
    Note: DB files can only be added to the RLV store dbspace when it is online. The RLV dbspace can either be in ReadOnly or ReadWrite mode, however files can only be added in ReadWrite mode when there are no RLV-enabled objects.
  6. On the DB File Details page, specify:
    Option Description

    Logical name

    User-defined name of the DB file.

    Path to physical file on disk

    Path to the physical file on disk. It is usually best to use an absolute path. A relative path works for simplex servers and for multiplexes that use the SCC shared-disk facility and have the SCC installation directory mounted in the same location on each multiplex server host. If you specify a relative path for a simplex that is later converted to a multiplex, the relative path might cause an error.

    Raw device

    A check mark indicates the file is on a raw device.

    File size

    Space you allocate to the DB file in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB). Unavailable on raw devices; required if the file is not on a raw device. Minimum file size is 8 MB.

    Reserve size

    (Optional; default is 0.) Extra space you allocate to the DB File in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB). You can use this space to increase the file size if the file grows. Guideline: reserve size should be about 30% of file size.


    • Read Only
    • Read/Write
    • Force Read/Write
    Note: This option appears only if you are adding DB files to the IQ_SHARED_TEMP dbspace in a multiplex setup.
  7. Click Finish.
Create a Dbspace File Size in Use alert to warn you if the DB file exceeds a set percentage of the configured file size (70%, for example). If the alert is activated, you can increase the file size. To enable this alert, first schedule a data collection that includes its key performance indicator, such as the Dbspace File Statistics Collection or All Stats w/o Availability.
Related tasks
Deleting a DB File
Emptying a DB File
Generating DB File DDL Commands
Viewing or Modifying DB File Properties
Creating an Alert
Authenticating a Login Account for a Managed Resource
Related reference
DB File Privilege Summary
SAP Sybase IQ Data Collections