Configuring SAP Sybase IQ Authority-Based Users for Monitoring

For 15.3 and 15.4 databases, enable one or more SAP Sybase IQ authority-based users to authenticate an SAP Sybase IQ server with Sybase Control Center, create and populate the SCC_MONITOR group.

Log in to SAP Sybase IQ as a user with DBA authority.
To monitor a resource with SCC, you must authenticate the resource as an SAP Sybase IQ user with DBA authority or membership in the SCC_MONITOR group.
Note: If you are performing a quick start, you need only authenticate your resource with Sybase Control Center using an SAP Sybase IQ account with DBA authority (such as DBA). You can skip the steps below until you do a complete production set-up of SCC.

The SCC_MONITOR script must be executed for each managed resource.

  1. Using Interactive SQL or another SQL command tool, execute scc_iq_monitor_privileges_setup.sql, located in the directory SCC-3_2/plugins/IQMAP.
    The script creates the SCC_MONITOR group and grants a set of permissions.
  2. Assign one or more SAP Sybase IQ users or groups to the SCC_MONITOR group. You can do this by either of these methods:
    • Using Interactive SQL or another SQL command tool, execute grant membership in group SCC_MONITOR to <user/group>
    • In a user interface tool such as Sybase Control Center, add the user to the SCC_MONITOR group