Viewing Transaction Statistics

Display transaction statistics for the selected Sybase IQ server.

  1. In the Perspective Resources window, right-click the resource and select Monitor Node.
  2. In the left pane of the IQ Node Level Monitor view, select Transactions.
  3. Select the tab for the desired information.

Click a column header to sort the data by that column.

To display the information in a chart or table in the full window, select the Maximize icon in the top right of the area.

Hover the mouse pointer over any line or bar graph to display information for that graph.

Area Description

Transactions tab > Transactions & versions

Displays all transactions that are currently on the server, and their version details.

Transactions tab > Transaction details

Transaction details include:

Transaction ID – the unique identification number for the selected transaction.

Connection ID – the connection identification number for the selected transaction.

Statement being executed – the statement executed by the selected transaction.

IQ main store space created by transaction (KB) – the amount of main store space created by the selected transaction.

IQ main store space dropped by transaction (KB) – the amount of main store space dropped by the selected transaction.

IQ temporary store space created by transaction (KB)– the amount of temporary store space created by the selected transaction.

IQ temporary store space dropped by transaction (KB) – the amount of temporary store space created by the selected transaction.

Cursor count – number of open Sybase IQ cursors on the transaction.

IQ threads – number of threads being used by the transaction.

IQ govern priority – numeric priority of the transaction in the queue.

Connection or cursor – identifies whether the transaction is a connection or a cursor.

Connection or cursor create time – date and time the connection or cursor was created.

Transaction statistics tab > Active transactions

Displays a chart of the number of user, internode communication (identified on the chart as INC), and other transactions on the server.

Transaction statistics tab > Other statistics

Displays additional details on the transaction, including:

Number of committed transactions – total number of committed transactions on the server.

Number of active load statements – total number of active load statements on the server.

Oldest active transaction time (minutes) – elapsed time, in minutes, since the oldest active transaction's creation.

Related tasks
Viewing Multiplex Transaction Statistics

Created February 25, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: