Viewing Operation and Request Statistics

Display the operation and request statistics for the selected Sybase IQ server.

  1. In the Perspective Resources window, right-click the resource and select Monitor Node.
  2. In the left pane of the IQ Node Level Monitor view, select Operations & Requests.

To display the information in a chart or table in the full window, select the Maximize icon in the top right of the area.

Hover the mouse pointer over any line or bar graph to display information for that graph.

Area Description


Total operations – the total number of IQ operations of any type.

Active operations – the number of active IQ operations.

Waiting operations – the number of IQ operations waiting for the resource governor.


Requests – the number of times per second the server has been accessed to handle a new request or continue processing an existing request.

Active requests – the number of active requests.

Unscheduled requests – the number of requests that are currently in the queue, waiting for an available server thread.

Created February 25, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: