Login Properties

Use the Login Properties window to set password parameters, add users to a login, and grant logins to a role.

Click the Name field of the login, then click the drop-down arrow and select Properties.

Pages Properties
  • Full name – allows for easier identification name for the login account.
  • Default database – if not specified, the master database.
  • Default language – if not specified, us_english is the default.
  • Authentication – specify the external authentication mechanism:
    • ANY
    • ASE
    • LDAP
    • PAM

    If you select ANY (the default) as the authentication mechanism, a check is performed for a defined external authentication mechanism. If one exists, it is used. Otherwise, the ASE mechanism is used.

  • Temp DB binding – binds logins to a temporary database in the default temporary database group.
  • Invalid password or NULL – specify a new password for the login account.
  • Password has expired – the account owner must change the login password.
  • Account is locked – lock the login account.
  • Password last set – indicates when the password was changed.
  • Max failed logins – the number of login attempts allowed, after which the account is locked.
  • Min password length – minimum password length required for the login account.
  • Password expiration intervals (days) – the number of days until the password expires.
  • CPU time accumulated – the amount of CPU time used by the login.
  • I/O time accumulated – the amount of time spent processing input and output operations used by the login.
Databases Owned Displays a list of databases that are owned by the specified login account.
Roles Displays a list of roles granted to the account. You can add or remove roles that have been granted to the selected login. Click Predicates to view the role activation SQL text for predicates.
Users Displays a list of users or aliases that are bound to the account. You can add or remove users to or from the account.
Client Mapping Displays a list of client users mapped to the account. You can add or remove client users to or from the account.