Using a Round-Robin Partition

Create a new partition or change an existing partition using the round-robin strategy so that each partition contains an approximately equal number of rows.

  1. In the Perspective Resources view, select the server on which the table resides, then click the drop-down arrow next to the server name and select Administration Console.
  2. In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand ASE Servers > Schema Objects > Tables, then choose one of the following:
    • User Tables
    • Proxy Tables
  3. Select the table for the partition.
  4. Select Partitions.
  5. Choose to create a new partition or change an existing partition.
  6. In the Select Partition Strategy window, choose the partitioning strategy Round Robin.
  7. (Optionally) Specify the number of partitions.
  8. In the Partition Specification window, specify the name of the partition and where the partition will reside.
    This partitioning strategy is random as no partitioning criteria are used. Round-robin-partitioned tables have no partition keys.
  9. (Optional) Click Summary to verify your selected options.
Related tasks
Updating Partition Statistics
Deleting Partition Statistics
Using a Hash Partition
Using a Range Partition
Using a List Partition
Enabling Semantic-based Partitioning