Managing Buffer Pools

You can add and change buffer pools for your data cache.

  1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand Server > Space Management > Caches.
  2. In the Name field, select the cache to modify.
  3. Click the arrow and select Properties to see the cache properties.
  4. Click Buffer Pool to see a list of existing buffer pool values.
  5. Modify the buffer pool allocation for your data cache:
    • Click Add to add an additional memory pool to the existing data cache, and specify:
      • I/O buffer size – from the drop-down menu, select the size of your I/O buffer in kilobytes.
      • Amount in pool – set the desired size and select the size format. The default size format is MB.
      • Wash size – set the desired wash size—the point in the cache at which Adaptive Server writes dirty pages to disk for a memory pool—and size format. The default is KB.
      • Local async prefetch limit – set the percent of buffers in the pool that you can use to hold buffers that have been read into cache by asynchronoud prefetch, but have yet to be used.
      • Affected pool – specify the amount of memory, in kilobytes, the new pool should take from the existing pool. The menu lists the existing buffer pool you added to the cache. Since there is only a 2KB page-sized pool in the cache, you can add a new buffer pool only by taking part of the size from the 2KB page-sized pool.
    • Select a buffer pool and click Change to change the memory pool settings. You see the same Add/Change Memory Pool dialog, with fewer options to modify:
      • Wash size
      • Local async prefetch limit
      • Affected limit – since you do not affect other pools when you change an existing pool, set this to null.
    • Select the buffer pool to delete, and click Remove to remove any additional buffer pools you created. You cannot remove the default buffer pool.
Related reference
Cache Properties