
Availability and performance statistics in Sybase Control Center for Adaptive Server can help you determine whether your systems are running as efficiently as possible.

Availability statistics are concerned with present conditions; they help you determine whether a system component you are monitoring (a server or a storage device, for example) is running and functioning properly. Performance statistics are concerned with behavior of the same components over time. You can use them to spot trends, identify problems or potential problems, and make plans.

Sybase Control Center includes predefined key performance indicators (KPIs) for Adaptive Server that are grouped into collections. KPIs such as Server Status, which serves as an availability statistic when it is fresh, also have long-term value as historical performance statistics.

Availability statistics appear on the heat chart and on the screens of the Adaptive Server monitor for each Adaptive Server. The heat chart includes these KPIs:

These KPIs are part of the default collection: collection_ase_availability.

Performance statistics appear on the statistics chart and on the screens of the Adaptive Server monitor for each Adaptive Server. In the statistics chart, you expand folders in the Statistics tab to drill down to specific KPIs. See the KPI values as tables or graphs, and compare them by displaying several KPIs together. These are the folders that contain KPIs you can use to display data:
Adaptive Server cluster configurations have these additional folders on the statistics chart:
To make specific KPIs available to the statistics chart and to the Adaptive Server monitor screens that use them, in addition to the availability statistics scheduled by default, set up collection jobs in the scheduler for:
Several configuration options affect the collection and appearance of Adaptive Server data in Sybase Control Center:
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