Setting Adaptive Server Parameters in the Configuration File

Set options that control the behavior of Sybase Control Center for Adaptive Server.

The configuration file for the Adaptive Server component of Sybase Control Center resides here:
  • Windows: %SYBASE%\SCC-3_2\plugins\ASEMap\
  • UNIX: $SYBASE/SCC-3_2/plugins/ASEMap/
  1. Open the file with a text editor.
  2. Save a backup copy of the file.
  3. (Optional) To change the number of times Sybase Control Center tries to reopen a broken JDBC connection to Adaptive Server, edit the value of attempts_reopen_con.
  4. (Optional) To change the interval (in seconds) between successive attempts to reopen a broken JDBC connection, edit the value of time_between_reattempts.
  5. (Optional) To change the interval (in hours) between refreshes of the list of monitored objects in the Sybase Control Center repository, edit the value of revalidation_frequency.
  6. (Optional) To change the time interval (in seconds) for JDBC internal queries to execute before they time out, edit the value of jdbc_internal_query_timeout.
  7. Save and exit the file.
  8. To make the new settings take effect, restart Sybase Control Center.
    Note: Sybase Control Center does not declare a server stopped (down) until all the retries called for by attempts_reopen_con have failed.