Role Assignment in Sybase Control Center for Adaptive Server

With Sybase Control Center version 3.1, you no longer need to grant special roles for administrative or monitoring privileges on the Adaptive Server.

Sybase Control Center version 3.1 automatically assigns aseMonitorRole privileges to users who have mon_role privileges on an Adaptive Server, and lets them perform monitoring tasks on the server.

Sybase Control Center version 3.1 automatically assigns sccAdminRole privileges to users who have sa_role privileges on an Adaptive Server, and lets them perform administrative tasks on the server.

Note: You cannot grant sa_role and mon_role privileges through the Sybase Control Center interface.

Sybase Control Center checks for role validation every 30 minutes. The monitor option is greyed out on the Perspectives window until the resource is authenticated. If you try to authenticate a resource without having mon_role privileges, Sybase Control Center displays an error message.

Note: If a role is revoked on the Adaptive Server, Sybase Control Center will not register the change till the next role-check occurs. However, as the monitoring or administrative role has been revoked on the Adaptive Server, the user will not be able to successfully execute such a task through Sybase Control Center.
Related concepts
Logins, Roles, and Groups
Related tasks
Assigning a Role to a Login or a Group

Created February 25, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: