Modifying Data Cache Sizes

Sybase Control Center allows you to modify the size of the data cache, and specify the number of partitions in the data cache.

You need sa_role to modify data caches. For more details on administering data caches, see the Adaptive Server System Administration Guide.

  1. In the Adaptive Server monitor, select Caches.
  2. From the Data Caches table, select the cache to configure.
  3. Right-click the selected cache to display the Resize option that allows you to modify the size of the data cache. You see the current size of the data cache, available space, and partition information.
  4. Enter the new size of the data cache. An increase in the data cache size is immediately effected in the server. A decrease in the data cache size requires the server to be re-started for the change to take effect.
  5. (Optional) Enter a new value for the partitions in the data cache.
  6. (Optional) Use Calculate Overhead to calculate the amount of memory required to resize the data cache with the new input size.
  7. Click Save. The dialog box closes if the operation succeeds, else Sybase Control Center displays an error and the dialog box stays open.

Created February 25, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: