Engine Statistics and Details

Interpret the Engines screen for Adaptive Server.

The Engines screen displays information about all processing engines for this Adaptive Server. The charts are populated by data from the collection_ase_all_client_kpis, covering the current trend period.

The Engines table identifies engines by number, and gives CPU utilization percentages, status, start date and time, number of connections, and the operating system process identifier (OS PID) for each one.

Note: For Adaptive Server shared-disk clusters, the Engines table has information that is grouped by cluster instances.

The area at the bottom of the screen shows information about the selected engine selected.

IO Processing table Provides counts of disk I/O checks, checks without waits, polls, and completed operations over the current trend period.
Garbage Collection table For the current trend period, provides the garbage collector's maximum queue size and counts of pending items, high water mark items, and overflows.
Engine CPU Utilization graph A line graph showing CPU utilization for this engine as a percentage. If Adaptive Server is performing poorly, use the information from this graph to determine how busy the engines are.
Related tasks
Displaying Engine CPU Utilization

Created February 25, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com