ServiceCertificateCredential Class

The ServiceCertificateCredential class provides a client certificate for a secure connection to a service. Use this class instead of the ClientCredentialService class when message-level security is enabled for the service.


ServiceCertificateCredential property Type Description
SubjectName String Specifies the full path file name or the distinguished subject name of the certificate to use. If you use a full path file name, the StoreLocation and StoreName properties are ignored.
StoreLocation CertStoreLocation (enumeration) Specifies the location of the X.509 certificate store where the certificate resides.
StoreName CertStoreName (enumeration) Specifies the name of the X.509 certificate store where the certificate resides.
Note: The distinguished subject name of a certificate that you can specify for the SubjectName property is a comma-separated textual representation of the certificate details in the format "E=mailAddress, CN=commonName, OU=orgUnit, O=organization, L=locality, S=stateOrProvince,C=countryCode". Determine the distinguished subject name by double-clicking the certificate you want to use in the Certificate Manager (accessible from the Content tab of the Internet Explorer Internet Options dialog box), switching to the Details tab, and selecting Subject in the Field column of the list view on the Details tab.
Related reference
WCFClientCredential Class