WCFBindingType Enumeration

Defines the binding and communication formats to use when accessing a WCF service.

Enumerated values

WCFBindingType value Description
BasicHttpBinding Suitable for communication with services, such as ASP.NET (ASMX-based) Web services, that conform to the Basic Profile 1.0 protocol. Uses HTTP for transport, and text/XML for message encoding.
NetTcpBinding Suitable for communication between WCF applications. Uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) over TCP for message transport security, and supports duplex contracts.
NetNamedPipeBinding Binding that is similar to the NetTcpBinding binding, but supports only on-machine communication. Uses named pipes for message delivery and binary message encoding.
wsHttpBinding Suitable for communication with nonduplex Web services (services without a callback contract). Implements WS-Reliable Messaging and WS-Security protocols. Uses HTTP for transport, and text/XML for message encoding.