WCFHMAC Enumeration

Defines all supported encryption algorithms for the SoapHeader used in SOAP request messages from the WCF client.

Enumerated values

MessageCredentialType value Meaning
None No encryption is used
HMACMD5 Specifies the MD5 hash function
HMACRIPEMD160 Specifies the RIPEMD160 hash function
HMACSHA1 Specifies the SHA1 hash function
HMACSHA256 Specifies the SHA256 hash function
HMACSHA384 Specifies the SHA384 hash function
HMACSHA512 Specifies the SHA512 hash function
MACTRIPLEDES Specifies TripleDES for the input data
Note: The encryption key must be specified in the SOAP header. If an encryption key is not provided, PowerBuilder uses the default key. The default key combines the Web service method name with the timestamp in the format “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ”. For example, for the ItemSearch method from Amazon.com that you call at 11:58:10AM (GMT) on April 27, 2010, the default key is “ItemSearch2010-04-27T11:58:00Z”.
Related information
AddMessageHeaderItem Method