WCF Client Proxy Reference

The WCF Client Proxy project relies on a series of classes and enumerations to connect to a variety of services.

When you build a WCF Client Proxy project, the Project painter creates a WCFConnection object that it automatically instantiates with information obtained from an ASMX, WSDL, SVC, or XML file for the services you want to access.

The WCFConnection object has the WCFConnection class type, and invokes a number of other classes that can store information about binding types, transport and message security protocols, and other properties of the services you want to access for your client applications. The WCFConnection object allows you to create a service client without worrying about these connection details.

All classes listed in this reference are members of the PBWCF namespace in the Sybase.PowerBuilder.WCF.Runtime assembly. The classes required by your selections in the WCF Client Proxy wizard are automatically instantiated and initialized when you generate the corresponding proxy object. You can modify the initialized properties directly, or you can instantiate new instances of these classes with different property settings.

If you create new instances of these classes, you must use the PBWCF namespace or add it to a Using Namespace directive. For example, to change the proxy server settings for computers behind a firewall, you can create an instance of the WCFProxyServer class with code like this:
   PBWCF.WCFProxyServer myProxySettings
   myProxySettings= create PBWCF.WCFProxyServer
After you create the object instance, you can set its properties, and assign it to the ProxyServer property of the WCFConnection object instance that is assigned to the wcfConnectionObject property of the WCF client proxy object:

In the PowerBuilder .NET Script Editor, class and property names are case insensitive. You do not need to follow the capitalization visible in the Solution Explorer or in this reference.

Although you need not call WCF reference classes or select enumerated values for proxy server settings or service binding parameters, you can do so to override default values. You can also query class properties to view the parameters that the proxy object uses to connect to services. The reference topics that follow provide information about the WCFConnection object, and the classes and enumerations it uses to access these services.

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About WCF Clients