WCFEndpointIdentity Enumeration

Defines the identity to use with an endpoint for authentication.

Enumerated values

WCFEndpointIdentity value Meaning
None No identity is needed.
UPN User Principal Name (UPN) is an identity that is used with the SSPINegotiate authentication mode. The value for a UPN identity takes the format of an e-mail address, with a user account name, and a name that identifies the domain of the user separated by the commercial at (@) character. For example, UserName@Sybase.com.
SPN Service Principal Name (SPN) is a name by which a client uniquely identifies a service instance. You can use this identity type with three different authentication modes: SSPINegotiate, Kerberos, and KerberosOverTransport.

The value for a UPN identity takes the format of an e-mail address, with a user account name, and a name that identifies the domain of the user separated by the @ character. For example, UserName@Sybase.com.

DNS Domain Name System (DNS) specifies the expected identity of the server. The identity value is a domain name, such as Sybase.com.
RSA RSA is a public-key encryption algorithm for signing and encrypting messages. It also requires a private key for decrypting messages. For an RSA identity, you must specify the public key for the identity value.
CERTIFICATE Use the Certificate identity when a certificate is required for authentication to the service endpoint. For the identity value, specify a Base64 encoded string representing the raw data of the certificate.
Related reference
WCFEndpointIdentity Class