BasicHttpMessageSecurity Class

The BasicHttpMessageSecurity class enables you to get and configure the message security settings of a BasicHttpBinding binding for a WCF client.


BasicHttpMessageSecurity property Type Description
SecurityAlgorithm SecurityAlgorithmType (enumeration) Specifies the algorithm suite to use for Http message security. Values are: DEFAULT, BASIC128, BASIC128RSA15, BASIC128HA256, BASIC128SHA256RSA15, BASIC192, BASIC192RSA15, BASIC192HA256, BASIC192SHA256RSA15, BASIC256 (default), BASIC256RSA15, BASIC256HA256, BASIC256SHA256RSA15, TRIPLEDES, TRIPLEDESRSA15, TRIPLEDESSHA256, and TRIPLEDESSHA256RSA15.
ClientCredentialType BasicHttpMessageCredentialType (enumeration) Specifies the credential type the client uses for authentication. Values are: UserName (default) and Certificate.
Related reference
BasicHttpSecurity Class