WCFClientCredential Class

The WCFClientCredential class provides client credentials for a service or a proxy server that is behind a firewall.


WCFClientCredential property Type Description
UserName UserNameCredential (class) Gets a credential object you can use to set the user name and password for a service or proxy server
HTTPDigest HttpDigestCredential (class) Gets the current HTTP digest credential
Windows WindowsCredential (class) Gets an object with the Windows credential you want to use to authenticate a client to a service
ClientCertificate ClientCertificateCredential (class) Specifies an object that provides an X.509 certificate that the client can use for authentication to a service
ServiceCertificate ServiceCertificateCredential (class) Specifies an object that provides an X.509 certificate when the message security mode is set for message-level encryption
Related reference
WCFConnection Class
UserNameCredential Class
HttpDigestCredential Class
WindowsCredential Class
ServiceCertificateCredential Class
ClientCertificateCredential Class