WCF Service Operation Attributes

Use the Operation Attribute editor to define operation attributes for WCF messages.

The Operation Attribute editor lets you define attributes for any selected message in the Objects tab of the WCF Service Project Painter. For detailed information about each attribute, please see the Microsoft MSDN library.
Member Name Description
Action Gets or sets the WS-Addressing action of the request message. Type: String.
AsyncPattern Indicates that an operation is implemented asynchronously using a BeginmethodName and EndmethodName method pair in a service contract.
IsInitiating Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the method implements an operation that can initiate a session on the server.
IsOneWay Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an operation returns a reply message.
IsTerminating Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the service operation causes the server to close the session after any reply message is sent.
Name Gets or sets the name of the operation.
ProtectionLevel Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the messages of an operation must be encrypted, signed, or both.
ReplyAction Gets or sets the value of the SOAP action for the reply message of the operation. Type: String.
Member Name Description
ReleaseInstanceMode Gets or sets a value that indicates when in the course of an operation invocation to recycle the service object.
TransactionAutoComplete Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to automatically complete the current transaction scope if no unhandled exceptions occur.
TransactionScopeRequired Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the method requires a transaction scope for its execution.
AutoDisposeParameters Gets or sets whether parameters are to be automatically disposed.
Impersonation Gets or sets a value that indicates the level of caller impersonation that the operation supports.
Member Name Description
BodyStyle Gets and sets the body style of the messages that are sent to and from the service operation.
Method Gets and sets the protocol method (for example, HTTP) that the service operation responds to. Type: String. Values can be POST, GET, DELETE, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE, and CONNECT.
RequestFormat Gets and sets the RequestFormat property.
ResponseFormat Gets and sets the ResponseFormat property.
UriTemplate The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) template for the service operation. Type: String.
Member Name Description
BodyStyle Gets and sets the body style of the messages that are sent to and from the service operation.
RequestFormat Gets and sets the RequestFormat property.
ResponseFormat Gets and sets the ResponseFormat property.
UriTemplate Gets and sets the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) template for the service operation. Type: String.


It is a PB customized operation attribute. Some functions like SaveDocument or Print involve many UI components, which require a thread running in STA (Single Thread Apartment) mode. But for IIS environment, the default thread mode of the WCF service operation is MTA (Multiple Thread Apartment). If a WCF operation uses such functions, you should define the "STAOperationBehavior" attribute for the operation.