Setting a Breakpoint Condition

Define a condition under which a breakpoint should be executed.

You can set both a conditional and a hit count on the same breakpoint.
  1. Open the Breakpoint Condition dialog box:
    • In the Breakpoints window, right-click a breakpoint and select Condition.
    • In the Script window or Call Stack window, right-click a breakpoint and select Breakpoint > Condition.
  2. Specify a valid boolean PowerScript expression.
  3. Set the Is true option:
    • Select the option to break when the expression is true.
    • Unselect it to break when the expression is false.
    By default, this option is selected.
    If the expression is invalid, PowerBuilder ignores it, so the breakpoint is always triggered.
  4. Set the Has changed option:
    • Select this option to break execution when the value of the expression changes.
      Note: The debugger does not break on the first iteration of the breakpoint, because it does not yet detect a change in the condition; it detects changes only on subsequent iterations of the breakpoint.
    • Unselect (default) to disregard changes in the value of the expression.
  5. Click OK.