WPF Window Application Target and Project Properties

The WPF Window Application target and project wizards define basic properties for a WPF Window application. The Project painter lets you define additional properties for building and deploying the project. It also lets you check dependencies between output assemblies.

Basic WPF Window Application Properties

Property Description
Application name Name of the optional application object to be created. By default, the application name is als o used for the library and target.

Example: wpfapp

Library Name and location of the PowerBuilder library to be created.
Target Name and location of the target to be created. By default, this includes the current solution path, the application name, and a PBTX extension.

Example: C:\Documents and Settings\janedoe\My Documents\pbnet\wpfapp.pbtx

New location and target file For existing targets only. By default, the wizard specifies a target with the same name as the existing target but with a PBTX extension. The default location is a wpf subfolder within the existing target's folder.

Example: C:\pbapps\wpf\myapp.pbtx

If you prefer a different target, change the default value.

Project name Name of the project object to be created.

Example: p_wpfapp_wpf

Product name Product name to be associated with this target. Example: My WPF Application
Product executable filename Name of the runnable file for this target.
Product version Major, Minor, Build, and Revision version numbers to be associated with this target.
Resource files and directories Identify resource files and folders to add to the target. (Optional.)

Use the browser buttons to select individual files, directories, or files.

Publish as smart client application? Select this option to configure smart client publishing properties in subsequent wizard pages. For example, select this option to publish the application to an FTP site.
Application running mode (for smart client only) Choose one of these options:
  • Yes – the application can be run either locally (on the user's computer) or from a remote site.
  • No – the application will be installed on a Web site or shared path; not locally.
Install options (for smart client only) Choose one of these options:
  • From web site – specify the Web site URL. Example: http://localhost/wpfapp
  • From shared path – specify the path where a user can find and install the application.
  • From CD-ROM or DVD-ROM – choose this option if the application will be provided on one of these media.
Update options (for smart client only) Choose one of these options to specify how the application checks for the latest version and updates:
  • Never check for updates
  • Check for updates before application starts
  • Check for updates after application starts, and specify the update frequency
Update frequency (for smart client only) Choose one of these options:
  • Every time application starts
  • At least n interval from last update. Enter a positive number for the frequency n. Choose days, hours, or weeks as the interval.

WPF Window Application Project Painter: General Tab

Property Description
Executable Name of the runnable file for this target. The file is created in the output directory. Default: application name and an .EXE extension.
Output Path The full path where the executable is deployed.
Build type Choose either Debug or Release. The wizard displays the build subfolder for the selected option.
Suppress Unsupported Feature warnings Suppress the compiler warnings that PowerBuilder .NET normally displays in the Output window about features in your application that are unsupported in .NET.
Note: Unsupported Feature warnings do not have IDs. See the next property to suppress errors by ID.
Suppress the following warnings (comma-separated) Enter a comma-separated list of the IDs of PowerBuilder compiler warnings to suppress. Example: C0003,C0016
Publish as smart client application Indicates that the application is configured as a smart client.
Enable DEBUG symbol Choose this option if your application contains code with the DEBUG conditional compilation symbol, and you want this code to run.

WPF Window Application Project Painter: Assemblies Tab

This tab displays the target's WPF library list, and lets you specify what assemblies to build from the target's PBLs.

Property Description
PBL and Output Assembly The left column lists the PBLs in the target library list. The right column is a selection list of PBL names with .DLL appended.

A valid assembly name indicates that an output assembly is to be built that includes the library on that row. If the output assembly field is blank, the PBL is built to the application's executable file instead.

Globals and Output Assembly The Output Assembly field specifies the globals assembly DLL file to generate. It can be one of the output assemblies in the PBL list, or a different one.
Create resource-only assembly for executable Indicates that resource objects from PBLs that are part of the application executable are to be built to a resource-only assembly, and specifies the assembly name.
Output Assembly Name Restrictions:
  • An output assembly cannot have the same name as the executable. For example, if the executable name is examples, then no assembly can be named examples.dll.
  • These characters are not allowed: ( | " < > - )

If you enter an assembly name that does not conform to these restrictions, the Output Assembly control displays a red border and a tooltip error indicating the error.

WPF Window Application Project Painter: Dependencies Tab

This tab presents a tree view of output assemblies. It indicates dependencies among the assemblies, and their build order.

The view is read-only.

WPF Window Application Project Painter: Remaining Tabs

The remaining tabs in the Project painter are similar to tabs of the same name in the .NET Assembly Project painter.