Memory Usage

A description of modifiable preferences in the c8-server.conf file, including memory limit and memory allocation strategy.

The file c8-server.conf contains several preferences related to how Sybase CEP Server uses memory. The section "SybaseC8/Memory" includes several preferences, each of which is described by the comments in the file. The most significant preference is "Limit", which sets the maximum amount of memory Sybase CEP Server should use, identified either as a percentage of the total installed physical memory or as a specific amount. The default is 90%. Another modifiable preference is the memory allocation strategy, "MallocStrategy". The default, "Normal", attempts to balance memory usage with performance; "Aggressive" is more generous with memory allocation to increase performance;and "Conservative" is more frugal with memory to the possible detriment of performance. Do not modify the remaining memory allocation preferences unless directed to do so after consulting with Sybase CEP Support.