Database Plug-In

The Database Plug-in allows the FIX adapter to read and write FIX messages to a database table, via ODBC.

The InputConnectString setting specifies the ODBC connection string for the database from which the plug-in reads FIX messages. If this setting is present, the plug-in will read FIX messages from a database table.

The OutputConnectString setting specifies the ODBC connection string for the database to which the plug-in writes FIX messages. If this setting is present, the plug-in will write FIX messages to a database table.

The InputQuerySQL setting specifies the SQL query statement used to retrieve FIX messages from the database.

The OutputInsertSQL setting specifies the SQL insert statement used to write a single FIX message to the database.

The Database Plug-in supports polling when reading. To enable polling, set the InputPollInterval setting to a value greater than 0 (where this value represents the number of seconds to wait between polls). Polling is disabled if the InputPollInterval value is set to 0, in which case the plug-in will only read from the database table once.

Custom settings for the Database Plug-in:
	<section name="CustomSettings">
	    <preference name="InputConnectString">driver={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DBALIAS=cep_l;hostname=localhost;port=6789;protocol=Local;uid=username;pwd=password</preference>
	    <preference name="OutputConnectString">Dsn=cb;Trusted_Connection=yes</preference>
	    <preference name="InputPollInterval">0</preference>
	    <preference name="InputQuerySQL">select * from FixMessages</preference>
	    <preference name="OutputInsertSQL">insert into FixMessages values (?,null)</preference>	        </section>