Platform Architecture Features

Platform enhancements and updates for SAP® Sybase® RAP 5.0 (RAP 5.0) include the introduction of support for SAP HANA as the preferred in-memory database for RAP; event processing capabilities; new versions of and options for Sybase® IQ and Adaptive Server® Enterprise; integrated management and monitoring through Sybase Control Center; new adapters, including a high speed adapter for SAP HANA (available with RAP through ESP 5.1 SP01); support for creating custom adapters in C/C++, Java, and .NET; and simplified packaging.

Note: While RAP 5.0 introduces support for SAP HANA, it is important to note that SAP HANA is not part of RAP.

In addition, RAP 5.0 introduces terminology updates. RAPCache is now used interchangeably with the term in-memory database while RAPStore is used interchangeably with the term historical database. These terminology changes are introduced to more accurately reflect these pieces of the RAP architecture.

Platform Architecture Features



Support for SAP HANA as the preferred in-memory database
Note: SAP HANA is not included with RAP.

The introduction of the high-speed SAP HANA Output adapter in Sybase Event Stream Processor 5.1 SP01 lets you integrate RAP with SAP HANA as your in-memory database. SAP HANA is designed to handle large volumes of in-memory data and provides vast performance improvements over traditional database technologies.

Decoupled delivery of product components

The primary product components - Sybase Event Stream Processor, Sybase IQ, and Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, are now packaged, delivered, and installed separately.

Event processing

RAP includes built-in event processing through Sybase Event Stream Processor. RAP ships with sample projects that you can open, edit, and run in Event Stream Processor.

Updated releases of Sybase IQ and Adaptive Server Enterprise

Updated from Sybase IQ 15.2 to 15.4 and Adaptive Server 15.5 to 15.7.

See the Sybase IQ 15.4 New Features Summary and New Features Summary Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 for more information.

New Sybase IQ and Adaptive Server Enterprise options available

You can license the Sybase IQ unstructured data analytics option, as well as the Sybase IQ advanced security option for use with the historical database.

Those users using ASE instead of SAP HANA can license the Adaptive Server Enterprise Security and Directory Services option.

Out-of-the-box adapters Access to input and output adapters from a variety of data sources, including the SAP HANA Output, ASE Output, and Sybase IQ Output adapters. Base adapters, such as the SAP HANA, ASE, and Sybase IQ adapters are installed with Event Stream Processor, and others such as Reuters Marketfeed, Reuters OMM, NYSE MAMA, and FIX are licensed and purchased separately.
Custom adapters You can create custom adapters in C/C++, Java, and .NET using the Sybase Event Stream Processor SDK.