Configuring Lightweight Polling Interval

You can change the lightweight polling configuration on Unwired Server for multiple device clients, or in the client-side program for a single client.

  1. To change the lightweight polling interval for multiple clients using dbisql on Unwired Server:
    1. Navigate to %SUP%\Servers\UnwiredServer\SQLAnywhere11\BIN32\, and start the dbisql application.
    2. Choose ODBC Data Source Name for the connection, and supply the data source name uaml_<servername>.
    3. Call ml_add_property('SIS', 'NOTIFIER(UALIGHTWEIGHT)', 'poll_every", 180) and execute it. This command example specifies that the server initiated synchronization polling occurs every 180 seconds. You can set the poll_every interval to S, M, and H for units of seconds, minutes, and hours. You can also combine units, as in 1H 30M 10S. If no unit is specified, the interval is in seconds. The poll_every parameter default is 30 seconds.
    Note: This approach applies the polling interval to all the clients that have not specified this interval.
  2. To set the polling interval in the client side program for a single client:
    1. In your program, look for where you specify the polling option right after: ...;poll_notifier=UALIGHTWEIGHT;poll_key....
    2. Change the polling option, for example: ....;poll_notifier=UALIGHTWEIGHT;poll_every=180;poll_key=.....
    • This approach applies the polling interval only to this client.
    • For clients, the poll_every property unit should typically be set to seconds (not minutes or hours or a combination).
    • Do not set the client poll_every value to a shorter time interval than the server value. This does not result in receiving push notifications any faster, and can cause the client to see the same notification multiple times, causing multiple useless synchronizations. Only set this value on the client if for some reason (trying to save battery life?) you do not want to see notifications as frequently as the server checks for pending notifications.
    • The Lightweight Poller listener on the client can be turned on/off if you do not want to receive notifications during a specific period; changing the polling interval is typically not what a customer would want.

Created February 22, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: