Setting Up Roles and Passwords

Set the initial user roles and passwords required for Sybase Control Center to authenticate through an LDAP server.

Configure an LDAP authentication module.
  1. Open the <SCC-install-dir>\conf\roles-map.xml file and add an LDAP login module. Insert an LDAP login module similar to this at the end of the security-modules portion of the file, just before </security-modules>:
        <module name="LDAP Login Module">
          <role-mapping modRole="sybase" uafRole="uaAnonymous,uaPluginAdmin,sccUserRole" />
          <role-mapping modRole="administrators" uafRole="uaAnonymous,sccAdminRole" />
  2. Ensure that the roles defined in the LDAP repository match the roles defined in roles-map.xml.
  3. In the <SCC-install-dir>\conf\ file, set the BindPassword and ProviderURL properties with values used in your deployment. Sybase recommends that you encrypt sensitive values before saving them in
Map Sybase Control Center roles to LDAP groups.

Created February 22, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: