Creating a Logical Connection

Create a logical connection, which establishes one symbolic name for both the active and standby databases.

In a warm standby application, the active database and the standby database appear in the replication system as a connection from the SAP Replication Server to a single logical database. A logical connection is created to establish one symbolic name for both the active and standby databases. The names do not have to exist in the interfaces file nor in the replication system.

  1. Log in to the SAP Replication Server:
    isql -Usa -Psa_pass -SPRS
  2. Create the logical connection for the warm standby:
    create logical connection to pubs2a.pubs2s
  3. Enable SQL statement replication:
    alter logical connection to pubs2a.pubs2s
    set ws_sqldml_replication to "on"
    Note: SQL statement replication is only available in SAP ASE 15.0.3 and later.
  4. Exit the isql session.