Replicating DML in a Warm Standby Environment

Replicate DML in a warm standby.

  1. Log in to the active database using a user ID that exists on both the active and standby data server, and that has permission to create a table.
  2. In the active database, insert a row to t1:
    insert into t1 values (1,'first row',getdate())
  3. Check whether the row exists in the standby database:
    select * from t1

    If the row does not exist, follow instructions in steps 4 and 5 otherwise, go to step 6.

  4. Check the Replication Server log file at: $SYBASE/REP- 15_2/install/PRS.log. Correct the errors and restart the connection to the replicate database:
    resume connection to rds.rdb
  5. If you want Replication Server to skip any current transaction when trying to resume connection to the standby database, use:
    resume connection to rds.rdb
    skip transaction

    See the Replication Server Reference Manual for other available options for the resume connection command.

  6. Log in to the active database and update the row:
    update t1 set b = 'changed row' where a = 1
  7. Log in to the standby database and verify whether the row exists:
    select * from t1
  8. Log in to the active database and enter:
    truncate table t1
  9. Log in to the standby database and enter:
    select count (*) from t1