Known Issues for Replicating to HANA DB

Known issues and workarounds for replicating to HANA DB.

HANA ODBC Drivers Version 1.00.55 Build 0376513-1510 Issues
CR# Bugzilla# Description
737784 25968  

You cannot create a connection to a replicate HANA database if you do not have write privileges to the $HOME directory before you start the Replication Server.

Without these privileges, when creating the connection to the HANA DB, the connection fails and Replication Server generates and displays the errors.

Workaround: Make sure that you have write privileges to the $HOME directory when starting a Replication Server.

737642 30506

Cannot replicate DECFLOAT values between -2.2207e-307 to 2.2207e-308 into a HANA database.

Workaround: None.

HANA Database Issues
CR# Description

When replicating GB 18030 character set to HANA DB for text and ntext columns, the replicate value differs between the primary Replication Server and replicate Replication Server.

Workaround: Do not use text or ntext columns when you are using the GB 18030 character set.