
There are several changes to the rs_subcmp command in Chapter 7, “Executable Programs.”

  • The syntax now includes -g, -h, -H parameters:
    rs_subcmp [-R | -r] [-v] [-V] [-z[1 | 2] [-g] [-h]]
     [-f config_file] [-F]
     -S primary_ds [-D primary_db]
     -s replicate_ds [-d replicate_db]
     -t table_name [-T primary_table_name]
     -c select_command [-C primary_select_command]
     -u user [-U primary_user]
     [-p passwd] [-P primary_passwd]
     [-B primary_init_batch]
     [-b replicate_init_batch]
     [-n num_iterations] [-w wait_interval]
     [-e float_precision] [-E real_precision]
     [-k primary_key_column [-k primary_key_column]...]
     [-i identity_column]
     [-l text_image_column_name
     [-l text_image_column_name]...]
     [-L text_image_length_in_kilobytes]
     [-N text_image_column_name
     [-N text_image_column_name]...]
     [-Z language]
     [-o sort_order]
     [-O sort_order]
     [-J rs_subcmp_charset]
     [-j rep_charset]
     [-a replicate_column_name primary_column_name
     [-a replicate_column_name primary_column_name]...]
     [-q unicode_sort_order]
     [-Q unicode_sort_order]
     [-x schema_flag]
     [-X filter_flag]
     [-I interface_file]
     [-H normalization_option]
  • These are the changes to the Examples section:
    • In Example 3, this is the corrected text to introduce the example:

      Compares the schema of the authors table between two databases with the same name using a configuration file called config.cfg.

    • Corrected commands for examples 4, 5, and 6:
      • Corrected code for Example 4:

        rs_subcmp -Spds -srds -Dpdb -drdb -Usa -Psa_pwd -usa
                  -psa_pwd -x1
      • Corrected code for Example 5:

        rs_subcmp -Spds -srds -Dpdb -drdb -Usa -Psa_pwd -usa
                  -psa_pwd -x1 -XitD
      • Corrected code for Example 6:

        rs_subcmp -Spds -srds -Dpdb -drdb -Usa -Psa_pwd -usa 
                  -psa_pwd -x1 -X+TU
  • The third bulleted item in the Usage section should read:

    For schema comparison to work, rs_subcmp must be able to locate and successfully run the ddlgen executable file. You can use the DDLGENLOC environment variable to set the location of ddlgen. If DDLGENLOC is not set, rs_subcmp looks for ddlgen at its default location, which is at $SYBASE/ASEP/bin/ddlgen. To ensure that ddlgen runs successfully, the environment variables that ddlgen uses must be set correctly.

    The SYBROOT environment variables must also be set to the SYBASE environment variable.