Adding a New Language

Add support to the Hybrid Web Container for a new language.

  1. In the ...\HybridWebContainer\res folder, create a new folder named values-<xx>, where <xx> is the ISO 639 code of the language, for example, values-it, for Italian.
  2. Add a file called strings.xml to the new folder. Use the strings.xml file from the values folder as a template for the new strings.xml file.
  3. Open the default strings.xml file, which is located in ...\HybridWebContainer\res\values and use it as a template for the new strings.xml file.
    You need not include strings that do not require localization in the new strings.xml file. Strings that are missing from a localization are pulled from the default strings.xml file.
    The new language is used automatically by a device that is set to that language.