Android Hybrid Web Container Customization

The Android Hybrid Web Container project is accompanied by libraries and the source code necessary for you to build the Hybrid Web Container. You can customize the Hybrid Web Container in a variety of ways.

Before getting started, build the Hybrid Web Container project as described in Building the Android Hybrid Web Container Using the Provided Source Code. The HybridWebContainer directory contains directories such as libs, as well as images and other files.

Documentation for the application (com.sybase.hwc) and the library (com.sybase.hybridApp) are included as JavaDoc in the docs directory of the HybridWebContainer project.

Whenever a customization requires a source code modification, there is a reference to “touch points” in the code. These references are annotated with ANDROID_CUSTOMIZATION_POINT_<descriptor> and a descriptor identifying the customization to which they belong.

For example, all code areas associated with changing the About screen are annotated with ANDROID_CUSTOMIZATION_POINT_BRAND. The touch points are typically accompanied by brief comments in the code explaining the necessary changes. Only source code files contain these touch points. Many of the customizations are done in the file.

Note: After performing any customizations, you must rebuild the Hybrid Web Container. Sybase recommends that you always test your changes before using the resulting application.
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Testing Android Hybrid Web Containers
Building the Android Hybrid Web Container Using the Provided Source Code