Creating a Server-initiated Starting Point

Create a server-initiated starting point.

Note: Each Mobile Workflow Form package can have only one server-initiated starting point.
  1. In the Mobile Development perspective, select File > New > Mobile Workflow Forms Editor.
  2. Follow the instructions in the New Mobile Workflow Forms Editor wizard:
    Field Description
    Enter or select the parent folder Select the mobile application project in which to create the mobile workflow form.
    File name Enter a name for the mobile workflow form. The extension for mobile workflow forms is .xbw.
    Advanced Link the mobile workflow form to an existing file in the file system.
    Link to file in the file system Click Browse to locate the file to which to link the mobile workflow form. Linked resources are files or folders that are stored in the file system outside of the project's location. If you link a resource to an editor, when you select the editor, the resource is selected in the WorkSpace Navigator. Conversely, when you select the resource in the WorkSpace Navigator, the editor is selected.

    Click Variables to define a new path variable. Path variables specify locations on the file system.

  3. Click Next.
  4. In the Starting Points page, select Responds to server-driven notifications and click Next.
  5. In the Select a Mobile Business Object and Object Query page, click Search.
  6. In the Search for Mobile Business Object page: click Search.
    1. Click Search.
    2. Accept the current project or choose a different one.
    3. Click Search.
    4. Select a Mobile Application Project from the list and click OK.
  7. (Optional) In the Select a Mobile Business Object and Object Query page, select an object query and click Next.
    Note: Object queries that return result sets are not supported.
  8. In the Specify Sample Notification page, enter contents in the fields that you want to appear in the sample notification message, then click Next.
    For example enter Order (2001) created as the Subject.
  9. In the Specify Matching Rules page:
    1. Select the text that will serve as the matching rule.
    2. Right-click and select Select as Matching Rule to create the matching rule.
    3. Click Next.
  10. In the Identify Parameter Rules page, select an extraction rule and specify its properties.
    Note: The supported syntax for the regular expression is that used by the C# Match() methods of the class System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.
    Property Description
    Field Select the field from the notification message from which the parameter receives data, for example, Subject. Selecting Subject indicates that the parameter receives data from the subject line of the notification message.
    Start tag Enter or select the text for the start tag regular expression, for example, "Approval Request\(".
    End tag Enter or select the text for the end tag regular expression, for example, "\)was sent".
    Format Specify a format that supports locale-specific parameter extraction. For example, you can indicate that a given date parameter will be in the form of yyyy-MM-dd in the e-mail, and another date parameter will be in the form of yyyy-dd-MM. This applies to the DateTime type.
    Sample notification field contents Enter the value of the field previously specified on the Specify Sample Notification page of the Notification Processing wizard.
    Value extracted from sample notification field contents Specify the value the start tag and end tag matching rules, given the sample field value.
  11. Click Finish to create default screens and starting points.
    When the notification is sent to the client, the sample value is replaced with the specified key, and the client's form is populated with values returned by the object query
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Adding a Starting Point Manually