
Use these functions to access Workflow Message resources.

Function Description
MessageValue() Constructs a new MessageValue object.
MessageValue.prototype.getKey() Returns the key of the given MessageValue object
MessageValue.prototype.setKey(key) Sets the key of the given MessageValue object
MessageValue.prototype.getValue() Returns the value of the given MessageValue object
MessageValue.prototype.setValue(value) Sets the value of the given MessageValue object
MessageValue.prototype.getType() Returns the type of the given MessageValue object
MessageValue.prototype.setType(type) Sets the type of the given MessageValue object
MessageValueCollection() Constructs a new MessageValueCollection object
MessageValueCollection.prototype.getKey() Returns the key of the given MessageValueCollection object
MessageValueCollection.prototype.setKey(key) Sets the key of the given MessageValueCollection object
MessageValueCollection.prototype.getState() Returns the state of the given MessageValueCollection object.
MessageValueCollection.prototype.setState(state) Sets the state of the given MessageValueCollection object
MessageValueCollection.prototype.getParent() Returns the parent key of the given MessageValueCollection object
MessageValueCollection.prototype.setParent(parent) Sets the parent key of the given MessageValueCollection object.
MessageValueCollection.prototype.getParentValue() Returns the parent object of the given MessageValueCollection object
MessageValueCollection.prototype.setParentValue(parentValue) Sets the parent object of the given MessageValueCollection object. Does not change the actual parenting.
MessageValueCollection.prototype.add(key, value) Adds a new value to the given MessageValueCollection
MessageValueCollection.prototype.clear() Removes all value from the given MessageValueCollection
MessageValueCollection.prototype.getData(key) Returns the value corresponding to the specified key for the given MessageValueCollection
MessageValueCollection.prototype.remove(key) Removes the value corresponding to the specified key for the given MessageValueCollection
MessageValueCollection.prototype.getCount() Returns the number of values in the given MessageValueCollection
MessageValueCollection.prototype.getKeys() Returns an array of the keys in the given MessageValueCollection.
MessageValueCollection.prototype.getValues() Returns an array of the values in the given MessageValueCollection.
WorkflowMessage(message) Constructs a new WorkflowMessage object with the specified contents (represented as a string).
WorkflowMessage.prototype.getHeader() Returns the header of the given WorkflowMessage.
WorkflowMessage.prototype.setHeader(header) Sets the header of the given WorkflowMessage.
WorkflowMessage.prototype.getRequestAction() Returns the request action of the given WorkflowMessage.
WorkflowMessage.prototype.setRequestAction(requestAction) Sets the request action of the given WorkflowMessage.
WorkflowMessage.prototype.getValues() Gets the values in the given WorkflowMessage.
WorkflowMessage.prototype.getWorkflowScreen() Returns the workflow screen of the given WorkflowMessage.
WorkflowMessage.prototype.setWorkflowScreen(workflowScreen) Sets the workflow screen of the given WorkflowMessage.
WorkflowMessage.prototype.createFromString(messageAsString) Updates the contents of the given WorkflowMessage object from the given string.
WorkflowMessage.prototype.serializeToString() Returns a string representation of the given WorkflowMessage.
WorkflowMessage.prototype.updateValues(sourceValues, listViewValuesKey) Updates the values of the given WorkflowMessage.