Building the Mobile Workflow Container Using the Provided Source Code

The mobile workflow container referenced in this procedure is a sample container. You can use the provided source code in Xcode to build your own customized user interface and configure other resources.


See Supported Hardware and Software for the most current version information for mobile device platforms and third-party development environments.

  1. On your Mac, connect to the Microsoft Windows machine where Sybase Unwired Platform is installed:
    1. In the Apple menu, click Go > Connect to Server.
    2. Enter the name or IP address of the machine.
      For example, smb://<machine DNS name or smb://IP Address.
  2. Copy the MobileWorkflow<version>.tar.gz archive from <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform\ClientAPI\Workflow\ios\ to a location on your Mac.
    In the archive file name, <version> is the current Unwired Platform version number. For example, MobileWorkflow-2.1.0.tar.gz.
  3. Unpack MobileWorkflow<version>.tar.gz.
    The extraction creates a Workflow directory.
  4. In the Workflow directory, double-click WorkFlow.xcodeproj to open it in the XCode IDE.
  5. If necessary, select Project > Edit Active Target > ProjectName > General to add the following frameworks from the SDK to the project:
    • Security.framework
    • AddressBook.framework
    • QuartzCore.framework
    • CoreFoundation.framework
    • libicucore.A.dylib
    • libz.1.2.3.dylib
    • libstdc++.dylib
  6. In XCode, select Build > Build to build the project.
Related tasks
Installing the Mobile Workflow Package from the Apple App Store
Installing the Mobile Workflow Application Using iTunes
Configuring Connection Settings on the Device