The Mobile Workflow Forms Editor

The Mobile Workflow Forms Editor allows you to create the forms that can be assigned to the devices that have the Hybrid Web Container installed and that are registered in Sybase Control Center.

The Mobile Workflow Forms Editor contains these pages:


Create a new mobile workflow or double-click an existing one, to open the Introduction page of the Mobile Workflow Forms Editor. This page is the starting point for designing your mobile workflow form. You can access help from this page.

Flow Design

The Flow Design page displays an empty canvas if you did not choose any of starting points in the New Mobile Workflow Forms Editor. If you selected a starting point when creating the new mobile workflow form, the selected starting point appears.

Use this page to specify how starting points and screens link together. The Palette view on the right shows available starting points, screens, and connections. You can drag and drop items from the Palette to the canvas. Screens and starting points that you drag to the Flow Design canvas appear as icons. Double-click a screen to open the Screen Design page.

Right-click anywhere in the Flow Design page to open a context menu.

Screen Design

Use this page to design the screen of your mobile workflow application. The Palette view shows the menu items and controls you can use to design a new screen. Drag controls to design the user interface.