Creating the Server-Driven Notification Starting Point

Create a new workflow application with a server-initiated starting point.

  1. From Unwired WorkSpace, select File > New > Mobile Workflow Forms Editor.
  2. Select the folder that contains the Sales_order MBO as the parent folder, name the file Sales_order.xbw, and click Next.
  3. In the Starting Points screen, select Responds to server-driven notifications, and click Next.
  4. Configure the starting point:
    1. In the Select a Mobile Business Object and Object Query screen, select Search.
    2. Select the project that contains the Sales_order MBO and select Search. Select the Sales_order MBO and select OK.
    3. Select the findByParameter object query.
      The order_id parameter appears in the Parameters field. Click Next.
    4. Specify a sample notification. Enter Order (2001) created in the Subject line. Click Next.
    5. Click and drag to select "Order (", while this phrase is highlighted, right-click and select Select as Matching Rule:
    6. Click Next. Select order_id. In the Extraction Rule Properties:
      1. Select Subject as the field.
      2. Select "Order (" as the Start tag.
      3. Select ") created" as the End tag.
    When the notification is sent to the client, the sample value (2001 in this example), is replaced with the order_id key, which identifies the id attribute of the object query. The form the client receives is populated with values returned by the findByParameter object query.
  5. Click Finish to create default screens and starting points.
    Screens are populated with menu items and controls based on the MBO definition.
  6. Deploy the workflow package to Unwired Server.