
Keys are unique identifiers within the scope of a workflow application, used when setting or retrieving a value.

Keys can be bound to the mobile business object (MBO), whether it is to an MBO attribute, an MBO parameter, an MBO operation parameter, a subscription parameter, an object query, or an MBO relationship (list type keys only).

Keys can be of the following types:

This example of an .xml file shows how keys are used in a workflow application. In this example, the keys associated with the editbox control are bound to the parameters of the mobile business object's (TravelRequest) create operation.

<screens default="TravelRequestcreate">
    <screen key="TravelRequestcreate" text="TravelRequest_create" >
        <action key="Submit" type="submit" text="Create" />
        <action key="Cancel" type="cancel" text="Cancel" />
        <datepicker  key="TravelRequest_create_trvl_date_paramKey" value="" label="Trvl date:" labelpos="LEFT" maxlength="32767" />
        <editbox  key="TravelRequest_create_trvl_location_paramKey" value="" label="Trvl location:" labelpos="LEFT" maxlength="20" />
        <editbox  key="TravelRequest_create_est_cost_paramKey" value="" label="Est cost:" labelpos="LEFT" numeric="true" maxlength="32767" />
        <editbox  key="TravelRequest_create_purpose_paramKey" value="" label="Purpose:" labelpos="LEFT" maxlength="200" />